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Date Posted:05/02/2020 6:39 PMCopy HTML


Dog of the Day-5-1-2020

Molly the Shih Tzu, the Dog of the Day
Name: Molly
Age:Five months old
Gender:FemaleBreed:Shih Tzu
Home: Goslar, Germany
My pet Molly is a bright brown dog. She is a Shih Tzu, and is just five month old, so still a puppy! She lives in my house in Goslar, which is west of Berlin. She eats dog food and drinks water. She isn't big, and won't get much larger. Shih Tzu have hair, not fur, so when she is older, she will get her hair cut, so it does not get too long and get tangled in knots. Right now she is still fluffy - and we think she is so cute!  

     She is the best, she sleeps all day and stores up her energy for playing with me after school. She is very sweet!



angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/03/2020 11:15 PMCopy HTML


Dog of the Day-5-2-2020

Ginger the Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ginger
Age:Two years old
Gender:FemaleBreed:Rottweiler, Golden Retriever
Home: Georgia, USA

This little girl's name is Ginger.  She is a two-year-old mixture of Rottweiler and Golden Retriever.  She's originally from California, however she has traveled with us to many locations and now lives in Georgia.  We were checking her out in the SPCA's play area when she stole my heart by burying her head in my arm pit.  It has since been dubbed the "Puppy Hug." She does this to everyone and finds it particularly amusing to chase me around in the morning when I'm wearing shorts or a nightgown.  That little cold nose is enough to wake anyone up.

     Ginger was a handful at first, chewing everything in site. It took some effort, but we broke the habit and now she just steals our bath mat every time we shower.  Shoes are also victims.  She's also been nicknamed the "Tag Extractor", as she will neatly remove the tag from anything.  She can remove a tag and not leave a single tooth mark on anything.  Then, she proudly spits the tag out in the middle of the room. Ginger will not go to bed or get out of our bed until she gets her "Cookies." She has to have Liver Snaps and Gravy Bones lined up on both nightstands and after innumerable puppy kisses she finally goes to sleep on either of her two beds.  You guessed it, one is on the left side of the bed, the other on the right.  She may be spoiled, but she's the most loyal, loveable pet we could hope for.


angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/07/2020 7:13 PMCopy HTML


   Dog of The Day-May 5, 2020

Maxi the Bichon Frisée, the Dog of the Day 

Name: Maxi
Age:Seven years old
Gender:MaleBreed:Bichon Frisée
Home: North Fort Myers, Florida, USA
Maxi is my buddy. He is seven years old and a Bichon Frisée.  He is smart, sweet, athletic and loves his morning coffee. This routine is important to him, and us.

     I have probably had about 25 dogs in my life, considering I have just turned 75. Maxi is a cuddler, but not a licker. I've had him since he was six weeks old and he is by far the smartest, most loyal, and most loving dog I ve ever owned. He is incredibly smart, and photogenic, too! I love him.  

Maxi the Bichon Frisée, the Dog of the Day Maxi the Bichon Frisée, the Dog of the Day Maxi the Bichon Frisée, the Dog of the Day



angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/07/2020 7:15 PMCopy HTML


Dog of the Day-5-6-2020

Adi the Yorkshire Terrier, the Dog of the Day
Name: Adi
Age:Eight years old
Gender:MaleBreed:Yorkshire Terrier
Home: Germany

This is Adi. He is a sweet eight-year-old Yorkshire Terrier and he lives with me in Germany. He likes everyone and he is very playful. He wakes up in the mornig and wants to go out straight away. Our father didn't want a dog at first, but now we all love him very much.

     He is my first dog. He was a Christmas present from my grandma. He can't do tricks, he's too lazy for that.

     Adi is very affectionate, but sometimes he has his own head. He only barks when people ring the doorbell, though.



angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/22/2020 12:25 AMCopy HTML


Dog of the Day-5-21-2020

Zoey the Belgian Sheepdog, the Dog of the Day
Name: Zoey
Age:Two years old
Gender:FemaleBreed:Belgian Sheepdog
Home: Pennsylvania, USA
Let me begin by saying that Zoey is the reason my husband doesn't want me to watch the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show anymore.  We share our home with two cats, Elvis, a stray tabby that one of my professors in college found and I was going to keep until I found him a good home (that was almost 10 years ago); Sydney, a Siamese that was dumped at a friend's farm; and Sadey, an alleged Beagle mix (who turned out to be a Shepherd-Collie mix) that I agreed to adopt from our local humane society because my husband has always been a "dog person" and was a concession to my being a "cat person."  Sadey slowly wormed her way into my heart, and now I am as much of a "dog person" as I am a "cat person."

     I have always had a soft spot for strays and animals left at humane societies, so I never saw myself buying a purebred when there were so many unfortunate animals that needed homes.  But a few years ago, when I happened to be watching Westminster and the herding group was on, I was immediately drawn to the Belgian Sheepdog.  I have no idea why, but that began my quest for trying to find information on the breed as well as a breeder.  After numerous calls, I found a breeder, and an absolute wonderful person with whom I still keep in touch with to share stories about our "babies," in Ohio.  My husband really thought I had lost it when we ended up driving three hours to get a Belgian puppy.

     Information on Belgians is hard to find, and the information that I did find indicated that they are definitely not for the novice dog owner.  They are stubborn, extremely intelligent, wary with strangers, and, as I soon came to realize, they will provide their own entertainment if you don't give them something to keep them occupied.  This "entertainment" included chewing on throw rugs, pulling blinds off the kitchen door, and generally getting into anything and everything.  So given all this, why would I nominate Zoey for Dog of the Day?  Because she is the absolutely most loyal, loving, and trusting dog I could ever hope for.

     True to her breed, she is not outgoing with strangers, but she would follow me to the ends of the earth.  She constantly annoys the cats, trying to herd them around the dining room table until they jump somewhere to get away from her, and generally keeps me (and, reluctantly, my husband) laughing with her antics.  She keeps Sadey (who is almost 7 years old) young with her games of tag around our fenced in yard and the two of them act like children.  At two years of age, she is beginning to calm down, but she still has that little devilish gleam in her eyes.  And she still gets into things she shouldn't.

     But I wouldn't trade her for the world.



angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/24/2020 12:32 PMCopy HTML


Dog of the Day-5-24-2020

Tory the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tory
Home: Michigan, USA
   She is deceased, crossed over/passed away/died on June 10, 2015.  The signs from her in the afterlife started about a month later after my grief began to subside.  That is what continued to make her special in her afterlife. There have been amazing cloud formations that appeared that looked like her, and even one cloud that took up the entire sky and has the dark area of both Tory and Iris - the puppy she "sent" me after she passed - being at her right side.

     On a normal day, she was playful and quiet, only barking if the doorbell rang.  She had a way about her when we went for walks, a calming effect on other dogs.  When she approached another dog that the owner was in fear that my Tory would get bit or chased, Tory would slowly and methodically approach the other dog and almost put it in a hypnotic trance until she got real close, then the other formerly "mean" dog would become docile and friendly toward her! Very unique and unusual.

     She always went with me everywhere, and in the car she rode on my left shoulder watching out the car window. Short trips to the store or long trips of 200 miles, it was her favorite place.  

     When at home or walking around the mall or a trade show, her favorite place was a snuggle inside my shirt.  At seven pounds, she fit nicely in my shirt or my jacket.  

     Tory would fetch anything she could.  She loved the squirrels and chipmunks at the hospital courtyard, which was her favorite thing to do.  I've got videos of her being face to face with the little creatures that she loved, but as a kind hearted being that would never harm them.

     She led me to my new puppy that I named Iris in memory of Tory, and because of the
U2 song of the same name. It was a song that I never downloaded and never heard before, but suddenly appeared in my playlist one day. "The star, that gives us light, has been gone a while, but it's not an illusion ... the ache in my heart, is so much a part of who I am, hold me close, something in your eyes took a thousand years to get here, hold me close, the time just lets us see who we are, I've got your life inside of me. Iris, Iris.  Once we are born, we begin to forget the very reason we came, we'll be meeting up again, hold me close and don't let me go."  

     I named my new puppy Iris, and I was told by a psychic that the spirit of Tory would be with her.  When I got her, I then found out she had a blue and a brown iris!  Tory is with us both, as we continue our journeys, always next to my heart.

Tory the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day Tory the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day Tory the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day



angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/30/2020 10:56 PMCopy HTML


angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/30/2020 10:59 PMCopy HTML


angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:05/30/2020 10:59 PMCopy HTML


angelbear7042 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Dog of the Day-5-1-2020 New Thread

Date Posted:06/08/2020 3:36 PMCopy HTML


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