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Angelbear7042 or Angel
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:10/26/2008 4:39 PM

Date Posted:06/22/2019 4:19 PMCopy HTML


Today's Dog-6-22-2019

Kobe the Standard Poodle, the Dog of the Day
Age:Nine years old
Gender:MaleBreed:Standard Poodle
Home: Orlando, Florida, USA
This is how he looks right now, and the bottom picture is his puppy picture. Kobe is a very funny, and goofy dog. He loves attention and he always is affectionate towards people. Everyone is his friend, at least that's what he thinks! He is also rather smart. He knows how to sit, lay down, how to speak (bark) and how to stay (if you tell him to sit and stay he won't move until you say "okay!"). He also really likes to just run around, and does not really have a favorite game. He has a lot of energy.  

     Kobe is very adventurous and loves to go into the woods. He really likes to meet new puppy friends, and he loves babies. He has very regal posture. He is the king of the house, and maybe the best doggie ever!

Kobe the Standard Poodle, the Dog of the Day

Angelbear7042 or Angel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:USA
  • Register:10/26/2008 4:39 PM

Re:Today's Dog-6-22-2019-New Thread

Date Posted:06/23/2019 4:19 PMCopy HTML


Today's Dog-6-23-2019

Tilly the American Eskimo Dog, the Dog of the Day
Age:Thirteen years old
Gender:FemaleBreed:American Eskimo Dog
Home: Minnesota, USA
This is Tilly, she is an American Eskimo dog, the breed is nicknamed an "Eskie." She lives in Minnesota with her brother Smokey, who is a black golden retriever.

     She is an outdoor dog, by choice however. The other dog, Smokey, likes to be inside but whenever we let Tilly in the house she sits at the door ready to go outside again. She is very friendly, whenever we get home after being gone ever for just a little while she will come charging at you and jump up to you as a greeting. She knows how to sit, stay, shake hands and she can dance on her hind legs. He favorite game is probably to catch the imaginary squirrel that she thinks lives under the deck, other than that she loves to take Smokey's toys and play with them to bug him.  

     She is somewhat independent because that is the way she was raised before we got her. She used to live with my aunt and uncle up north in Minnesota, but they decided to give her up to us since they never got to spend time with her. She has lived at our house for about twelve years now and quickly adjusted from having no one play with, to having a family of five, with another dog, two cats and two horses yet she doesn't mind any of the other animals. One of the cats is afraid of the dogs, but the other one loves to play with Tilly and they are always around each other when Tilly is in the house. She also gets along with the horses just fine and is always very comfortable around them. She is such a loving dog to her family and to strangers who come to visit, but if you are coming up the driveway and she doesn't recognize you, she will bark like crazy. Tilly is one of the greatest dogs that we have ever owned and I'm so glad that she gets to be ours.



Angelbear7042 or Angel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:13114
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  • From:USA
  • Register:10/26/2008 4:39 PM

Re:Today's Dog-6-22-2019-New Thread

Date Posted:06/24/2019 5:35 PMCopy HTML


Today's Dog-6-24-2019

Maggie the Chow Chow/German Shepherd mix, the Dog of the Day
Age:One year old
Gender:FemaleBreed:Chow Chow/German Shepherd mix
Home: Canfield, Ohio, USA
We got Maggie from a local animal shelter last summer. She was neglected by her owners for the first six months of her life. Maggie had to be taught how to play, bark, and other things that most dogs normally love to do. But with lots of love and attention (and patience) Maggie now can do tricks and even barks when her Dad get home from work.  

     Maggie graduated from obedience school three months ago and will now go on to agility and other classes. She is a wonderful, wonderful dog who loves to do her tricks and play with her cat companion, Michael. Love and patience do pay off, and she is now a great dog and important part of the family.

Angelbear7042 or Angel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:13114
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  • From:USA
  • Register:10/26/2008 4:39 PM

Re:Today's Dog-6-22-2019-New Thread

Date Posted:06/25/2019 3:06 PMCopy HTML


Today's Dog-6-25-2019

Reef and Coral the Pitbull, Heeler mixes, the Dog of the Day
Name:Reef, Coral
Age:Two and a half years old, Two years old
Gender:Male, FemaleBreed:Pitbull, Red Heeler, Rottweiler mix, Pitbull, Heeler, German Shepherd mix
Home: Park City, Utah, USA
Reef and Coral were rescued from a reservation in New Mexico. Reef was initially a very undersized and introverted puppy who has since flourished into a confident, healthy, loving and extremely loyal dog.  When he was close to one year old we brought home Coral, who was a very timid and scared puppy and needed lots of love.  With much love and acceptance, Reef brought Coral out of her shell and helped her feel safe and protected in her new home. They quickly became best friends.  Reef taught Coral how to be a good trail dog following their humans on many hiking, mountain biking, and nordic skiing adventures.  They love wearing themselves out everyday and then coming back to their comfy home with tasty food, treats and warm cozy beds.  

     Reef and Coral love being with their two humans who complete their pack, keep each other warm at night, and happy and fulfilled in life every day.  These are truly special furry creatures who are very loved and live a much different life now from the one where they started out on the cold, dark, scary streets.  Reef and Coral love seeing "dog of the day" and have expressed a strong desire to be dog of the day themselves one day; it would mean the world to them and give them some good "street cred" with their friends in the neighborhood.  

Reef and Coral the Pitbull, Heeler mixes, the Dog of the Day Reef and Coral the Pitbull, Heeler mixes, the Dog of the Day Reef and Coral the Pitbull, Heeler mixes, the Dog of the Day

Angelbear7042 or Angel Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:13114
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  • From:USA
  • Register:10/26/2008 4:39 PM

Re:Today's Dog-6-22-2019-New Thread

Date Posted:06/26/2019 4:05 PMCopy HTML

 Today's Dog-6-26-2019

Scout the Miniature Schnauzer, the Dog of the Day
Age:Three months old
Gender:MaleBreed:Miniature Schnauzer
Home: Beaumont, Texas, USA
This is our pup, "AKC Holly's Without A Doubt Scout" and he is a Mini Schnauzer. But yes, we just call him Scout.

     Scout is just about twelve weeks old and he is really really vain.  Ever since he got groomed and he walks past his reflection, he stops to lick it.  Hehe :)  He's extremely spoiled and barks at the voice that goes "You've got mail" on the computer.  He has a giant stuffed pheasant dog toy that he totes around, it's almost bigger than he is.  He's very very smart and he likes to pretend like he is driving when he rides in the car (his paws must be on the steering wheel!) That only happens in the driveway, or course. We tell him he is too young to drive on the road!  

     Still, he is a clever boy, and we look forward to whatever the years ahead will bring!  

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